TV commercial for USA SWIM campaign in combination with matching print and online campaign

Interview with CEO Phil Sutherland of Team Novo Nordisk about the goal and vision of his fight against diabetes.

New AG6 workout only at Asphalt Green NY. Over 20 million views in 2 weeks .

Women soccer training in the mud until totally worn out, but she never gives up. #neverstop

Intense workout under water. #queenofworkouts Alexia Clark.

Music video 'Sexy' by Peter Cincotti. Directed by Amber Rima, DP Poby, Model Eva Vai, Edited Amber Rima.

Running at the beach on a Sunday.

LINCOLN MKX video created for the New York presentation, projected onto a half dome tent accompanied by acrobats.

Olympic ski racer Julia Mancuso celebrates her 30th birthday on Tavarua/ Fiji with 30 of her best friends.

Conceptional video under water hair products.

Sprinkled In Pink launches lingerie brand Wylie Wilson on our curated store. Director & Editor | Amber Rima DP | Wesley Clouden Models | Jasmine Chen & Jerika Jensen Lingerie | Wylie Wilson Music | The Dukes

Model and boxer Alexis. 

SPARTAN Race. He trains . Every day. Every where.